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Dr. Robert Wintemute
School of Law, King's College, University of London

Last updated: 4 April 2003


Level of Recognition Different-Sex Partners Only Same-Sex Partners Only (or Mainly) Different-Sex and Same-Sex Partners
(1) Civil Marriage - all jurisdictions except Netherlands and Belgium   - Netherlands
- Belgium
(2) Registered Partnership

(package of rights/duties equal or almost equal to civil marriage)

  - Denmark
- Finland
- Iceland
- Norway
- Sweden
- USA (Vermont) (civil unions)
- Netherlands
- Canada (Québec) (civil unions)
(3) Registered Cohabitation

(package of rights/duties substantially inferior to civil marriage)

(registration required)

  - Germany (first part of reform approved by Bundestag)
- Switzerland (Zürich)
- USA (California, Hawaii) (mainly same-sex)
- Belgium
- Canada (Manitoba, Nova Scotia)
- France
- Spain (Andalucía, Aragón, Asturias, Balearic Islands, Catalonia, Extremadura, Madrid, Navarra, Valencia)
- Switzerland (Geneva)
- USA (District of Columbia and city or county domestic partnership laws)
(4) Unregistered Cohabitation

(in most cases, package of rights/duties substantially inferior to civil marriage)

(no registration required, but minimum cohabitation period must be satisfied)


- Austria (statute challenged before Eur. Ct. H.R. in Karner v. Austria)
- Canada (opposite-sex "spouse" definitions before Supreme Court’s decision in M. v. H.)


- UK (immigration for partners legally unable to marry) (mainly same-sex)
- USA (some public and private sector employers' benefit plans only recognise same-sex partners and not unmarried different-sex partners of employees)


- Australia (Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia)
- Canada (federal, B.C., Sask., Man., Ontario, Québec, Nova Scotia)
- France (concubinage)
- Hungary
- Israel (some case-law)
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Portugal
- South Africa
- Spain (Aragón)
- Sweden
- United Kingdom




Austria Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch) 1975, Paragraph 72, as amended in 1998, http://www.ris.bka.gv.at/bundesrecht ("Personen, die miteinander in Lebensgemeinschaft leben"; "persons living with each other in a community of life")
Belgium Loi du 23 novembre 1998 instaurant la cohabitation légale, Moniteurbelge,, 12 Jan. 1999, p. 786 ("cohabitants légaux"; "statutory cohabitants"); Loi du 13 février 2003 ouvrant le mariage à des personnes de même sexe et modifiant certaines dispositions du Code civil (Law of 13 Feb. 2003 opening up marriage to persons of the same sex and modifying certain provisions of the Civil Code), Moniteur belge, 28 Feb. 2003, Edition 3, p. 9880 (http://www.moniteur.be/index_fr.htm, Moniteur belge, electronic item 2003009163), will enter into force on 1 June 2003
Denmark Law of 4 June 1986, nr. 339 (inheritance tax reform), repealed by Law on Registered Partnership (Lov om registreret partnerskab), 7 June 1989, nr. 372, http://www.france.qrd.org/texts/partnership/dk/denmark-act.html (English) ("registrerede partnere"; "registered partners")
Finland Law 9.11.2001/950, Act on Registered Partnerships (Laki rekisteröidystä parisuhteista) ("parisuhteen osapuolet"; "registered partners")
France Loi no. 99-944 du 15 novembre 1999 relative au pacte civil de solidarité, http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/WAspad/RechercheSimpleJorf.jsp  ("partenaires"; "partners"); also inserting a new Article 515-8 into the Code civil: "Le concubinage est une union de fait, caractérisée par une vie commune présentant un caractère de stabilité et de continuité, entre deux personnes, de sexe différent ou de même sexe, qui vivent en couple."
Germany Federal Level - Law of 16 Feb. 2001 on Ending Discrimination Against Same-Sex Communities: Life Partnerships (Gesetz zur Beendigung der Diskriminierung gleichgeschlechtlicher Gemeinschaften: Lebenspartnerschaften), [2001] 9 Bundesgesetzblatt 266, http://www.bundesanzeiger.de/bgbl1f/b1findex.htm ("Lebenspartner"; "life partners")
Hungary Civil Code, Article 685/A, as amended by Act No. 42 of 1996: "Partners – if not stipulated otherwise by law – are two people living in an emotional and economic community in the same household without being married."
Iceland Law on Confirmed Cohabitation (Lög um staðfesta samvist), 12 June 1996, nr. 87, http://www.althingi.is/lagas/126a/1996087.htmlhttp://www.france.qrd.org/texts/partnership/is/iceland-bill.html (English) ("parties to a confirmed cohabitation")
Act of 21 June 1979 amending the Civil Code [Art. 7A:1623h] with respect to rent law, Staatsblad 1979, nr. 330 ("duurzame gemeenschappelijke huishouding"; "lasting joint household"); Acts of 17 December 1980 (Staatsblad 1980, nr. 686) and 8 November 1984 (Staatsblad 1984, nr. 545) amending the Inheritance Tax Act 1956 ("gemeenschappelijke huishouding"; "joint household"); Act of 5 July 1997 amending Book 1 of the Civil Code and the Code of Civil Procedure, concerning the introduction therein of provisions relating to registered partnership (geregistreerd partnerschap), Staatsblad 1997, nr. 324 ("geregistreerde partners"; "registered partners"); Act of 21 December 2000 amending Book 1 of the Civil Code, concerning the opening up of marriage for persons of the same sex (Act on the Opening Up of Marriage), Staatsblad 2001, nr. 9, http://ruljis.leidenuniv.nl/user/cwaaldij/www (English) ("echtgenoten"; "spouses"); Dutch texts (since 1995) at http://www.overheid.nl/op (1. Staatsblad, 2b. jaar (year) and Publicatienummer, Zoek); direct links to laws on marriage (http://www.eerstekamer.nl/9202266/d/w26672st.pdf) and joint adoption (http://www.eerstekamer.nl/9202266/d/w26673st.pdf)
Norway Law on Registered Partnership (Lov om registrert partnerskap), 30 April 1993, nr. 40, http://www.lovdata.no/all/nl-19930430-040.html, http://www.france.qrd.org/texts/partnership/no/norway-en.html (English) ("registrerte partnere"; "registered partners")
Portugal Lei No. 7/2001 de 11 de Maio, Adopta medidas de protecção das uniões de facto, [2001] 109 (I-A) Diário da República 2797, http://www.portugalgay.pt (Espaço Aberto, Política e Direitos) ("uniões de facto"; "de facto unions")
Spain Spanish State – see, e.g., Law on Urban Leasing (Ley de Arrendamientos Urbanos) of 24 Nov. 1994, Articles 12, 16, 24, disposición transitoria segunda B(7): housing rights granted to a person cohabiting "in a permanent way in an emotional relationship analogous to that of spouses, without regard to its sexual orientation [con independencia de su orientación sexual]"
Autonomous Communities (Communidades Autónomas):
Andalucía Ley de parejas de hecho, (5 Dec. 2002) 422 Boletín Oficial del Parlamento de Andalucía 23987, http://www.parlamento-and.es (Qué se debate y resuelve, Publicaciones Oficiales, BOPA, Consulta de BOPA, VI Legislatura) ("parejas de hecho"; "de facto couples")
Aragón Ley relativa a parejas estables no casadas, (26 March 1999) 255 Boletín Oficial de las Cortes de Aragón, http://www.cortesaragon.es (BOCA, Legislaturas anteriores, IV) ("parejas estables no casadas"; "unmarried stable couples")
Asturias Ley 4/2002, de 23 de mayo, de Parejas Estables, http://anleo.jgpa.es/busqueda (Textos aprobados) ("parejas estables"; "stable couples")
Llei 18/2001 de 19 de decembre, de parelles estables, http://www.caib.es/conselleries/benestar-social/esdev/llei-parelles.pdf ("parelles estables"; "stable couples")
Catalonia Llei 10/1998, de 15 de juliol, d'unions estables de parella, (10 July 1998) 309 Butlletí Oficial del Parlament de Catalunya (BOPC) 24738, http://www.parlament-cat.es/porta.htm (Publicacions, Textos aprovats, V Legislatura) ("unions estables de parella"; "stable unions of couples")

Extremadura Ley de Parejas de Hecho, (26 March 2003) 377 Boletín Oficial de la Asamblea de Extremadura 13, http://www.asambleaex.es/html/publicaciones/BOAE/boletines
("parejas de hecho"; "de facto couples")
Madrid Ley de Uniones de Hecho de la Comunidad de Madrid, (28 Dec. 2001) 134 Boletín Oficial de la Asamblea de Madrid (V Legislatura) 160003, http://www.asambleamadrid.es, http://www.fundaciontriangulo.es/familia/e_LeyParejasMadrid.htm ("uniones de hecho"; de facto unions)
Navarra Ley Foral 6/2000, de 3 de julio, para la igualdad jurídica de las parejas estables, [7 July 2000] 82 Boletín Oficial de Navarra, http://www.cfnavarra.es/BON/007/00707003.htm ("parejas estables"; "stable couples")
Valencia Ley por la que se regulan las uniones de hecho, (9 April 2001) 93 Boletín Oficial de las Cortes Valencianas 12404, http://www.corts.gva.es/esp (Publicaciones, BOCV) ("uniones de hecho"; "de facto unions")

Sweden Homosexual Cohabitees Act (Lag om homosexuella sambor), SFS 1987:813; Law on Registered Partnership (Lag om registrerat partnerskap), 23 June 1994, SFS 1994:1117, http://www.france.qrd.org/texts/partnership/se/sweden-act.html (English) ("registrerade partner"; "registered partners"); Swedish texts at http://www.notisum.se (Författningar, SLS, kronologiskt register)

Geneva Loi sur le partenariat du 15 février 2001 (7611) (RSG E 1 27), http://www.geneve.ch/rechercher/welcome.asp (partenariat) ("partenaires"; "partners")
Zürich Law on the Registration of Same-Sex Couples (Gesetz über die Registrierung gleichgeschlechtlicher Paare) of 21 Jan. 2002, (16 Aug. 2002) 33 Amstblatt des Kantons Zürich, http://www.amtsblatt.zh.ch (Archiv) ("registrierte Partner oder Partnerinnen"; "registered partners")
United Kingdom  
England and Wales Mendoza v. Ghaidan, [2002] 4 All England Reports 1162 (Court of Appeal, 5 Nov. 2002) (interpreting legislation conferring rights on partners "living as husband and wife" as covering same-sex partners under the Human Rights Act 1998)

Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000, s. 87(2) ("nearest relative"); Housing (Scotland) Act 2001, s. 108 ("family members" or "spouses"); texts at http://www.scotland-legislation.hmso.gov.uk/legislation/scotland/s-acts.htm

1) A global version of this Appendix was first published as part of Robert Wintemute (ed.) & Mads Andenæs (hon. co-ed.), Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Partnerships: A Study of National, European and International Law (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 22 October 2001). See http://www.isbs.com/ (USA and Canada), http://www.hartpub.co.uk/ (elsewhere).

2) Legislation dealing only with second-parent or joint adoption of children by same-sex partners not included.

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